This past week, i had a friend who had been in africa for the past 9 months come visit...during our conversation, she pulled out the following pictures and began to tell me some of the stories that, although the world has heard them many times, but still refuses to listen. All i could think about while i was looking at these pictures was how God must weep when He sees the ones He loves in such pain. Yet i belive, that He weeps so much more when He sees us, who have the power to make a difference, do nothing. The Call... is to give all you are; and indeed He is calling us, people of love, so rise; to cry for those who feel pain, to speak for those without a voice, to fight...and never give up.
About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes
30,000 children die each day due to poverty. That is about 210,000 children each week

The number of youth in the world surviving on less than a dollar a day in 2000 was an estimated 238 million
An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked each year for labour or sex

unsafe water and sanitation cause about 4,000 child deaths per day.
Each day, 5,000 children become refugees
ah.. my heart hurts for them
I feel useless, but soon ~=)
to whom much have been given, much will be required. my concern has always been to try to change the world because i've been given so much. i have to understand that that is a savior complex that comes out of my own pride. i cannot change the world. there is nothing in me of that calibur. however, Christ changes the world when his identity is seen through my brokenness. but that's the kicker. THROUGH MY BROKENNESS. it comes down to a day by day fight against the enemy on my knees in prayer. fight with the enemy, or fight with my "self". i'll be the first to admit that i am not in that place right now. and then i have the audacity to wonder aloud "but what can i do NOW?"
i must understand that the battleground is as much here as anywhere else, when i lift my voice in prayer to an awefilled, fear-inspiring God and ask Him for justice.
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